Thursday, December 16, 2010


The Fearless Little Witch was my beginning, I guess, into starting a new part of my journey. She was created after much dismay about cutting into the cloth without an idea about what I should do, no pattern or game plan and I am pleased with the result. The idea of being an artist has always been brewing in my heart and soul, then along came all these outside voices saying that it wasn't practical, that you needed a real job, you needed a career with benefits, all kind of secure future in place and I listened and did as I was told. Blah, blah, blah...

So I did all the usual boring supposed to do things and it frankly wrecked me. I was not made in a way that fit my round peg self easily into someone else's square peg hole. But I kept stuffing myself and stuffing myself because I was trying, even though there are those who might dispute that. But I kept not succeeding either. So finally I have reached the point of self-validation and set out to be who I have known myself to truly be all along but I have gotten here without learning the skills I might have learned had I followed my own voice to begin with. So this is the new journey: Get over the fear of cutting into the fabric with no plan in place, open the treasured pots of paints and mediums, tear into the paper, have a play date with myself as close to daily as I can. And here's hoping I can write some things about it as I go along.

But if I'm too busy creating, at least put up some photos of how things are coming along. Intention set. Ta-ta!

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