Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Almost March

For February I worked on filling my plate with new ideas, new projects, new classes, new commitments. Some of them won't kick in for a month yet, one begins tomorrow, and one began today with a trek to NC to begin an Elements of Art Working Group, led by Lyric Kinard. I've really been pushing myself of late to get a fix on specific things, skills and such that I want to learn more of and the opportunity to participate in this group with a personal fav, Lyric, I just could not pass up.

Within the last week I watched Jane LaFazio's CPS Workshop and have spent several days learning to see, draw and paint an apple. Graduating to a pear tomorrow, as well as beginning a Strathmore Workshop on watercolor. Painted the apple with Zoe the other evening which was fun and, as always, a learning experience for me. She's all splash and dash and I'm trying to get her to slow down a little. I know it will come in time. I have my own resistences to the process as well, but drawing the aloe leaf today showed me so much about looking and seeing everything I could about the aloe leaf, where it was flat and spotted and how it has those spines on the sides. I am actually looking forward to working on blind contour drawings tomorrow.

But for now, off to bed, to catch up on sleep and not having to get up until I want! Tomorrow will be excellent!

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