Thursday, December 8, 2011

Full Moon Eve

It's almost the full moon and tonight I will most likely perform my personal monthly ritual. It's very uncomplicated and has no pomp or circumstance to it but I like doing it most months. Some months I don't hit exactly the night I want and a couple of times I've missed altogether but to miss only a couple of times in the many years I've been doing it, I have to give myself a back pat and say, Good on ya, mate!

The ritual is very simple: in my house are a couple of bowls of water, one in the entryway and another in my sewing room. Their purpose is to collect negative energy, unpleasantness, my cursing fits and whatnot. I started doing this when my husband and I were divorcing and I wanted to clear out his visits. (I also have a chunk of snowflake obsidian near the doorway bowl to also deal with negative energy. Stones and crystals are for another post.) It provides a tangible focus to remember  to watch my energy, what I put out and what I allow in. On or about a full moon night, preferably with clear skies so the moon is very bright, I pour the water into a house plant, returning the water to earth, refill the bowls and place them in a window to allow the moon to "charge" the water. In the early morning I put the bowls back in their places and I'm good to go for the next month.

While I'm doing this I focus on the task's purpose. I don't have any ritual words and I don't cast a circle or anything like that. I just focus on my intention for the water. I could go all ceremonial if I wanted, don robes, light candles, honor the four directions, elements, all that jazz, but then the task becomes onerous and very likely not done. So I keep it simple, honor the intention I'm setting and move on.

One reason I also do this is because I have a secret crush on the moon. I live out in the country where the moon pours an ethereal light over all when it's full. How do city people even know what the moon is up to? Keeping tabs on the moon reminds me of what I'm about somehow. It is so beautiful, silvery, mysterious, the moon speaks to something in me that is also beautiful and mysterious. How would I stay reminded about that if I didn't experience moonlight falling across my bed, pouring in the windows, creating a magic world outside so different from the light of day? Moon, I love you. May we all shine on!

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