Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy New Year-Again!

A year ago I started on a new adventure with the Sketchbook Challenge. While I haven't been quite as participatory as I would have liked, it was the kick off to a whole new direction and self-discovery. It got the ball rolling and the ball will keep rolling because there's just no stopping it now! I am growing in all the right ways for myself to be and become the person I know I can be.

New Year's is always a time to reassess and revise the life plan. Am I headed in the direction I want to be going? Do I have what I want in my life? Has my life been better in the past year than in years past? So many changes have happened and are in the works that I feel especially optimistic about what lies ahead. I feel as if I am in a growth spurt of major proportions! Yay, for growing every day into better and better beings!

Who knew the "Golden Years" could be the best part? Granted one ear no longer works and I can't read, paint, draw or sew without my glasses, a few joints are cranky, but for the most part everything works reasonably well. This year I am trying to quantify my resolutions in some way, set goals and be able to check them off my to do list, in place of the vague "Be happier" "Make more art" "Work out more." This year it's go to the actual quilt spreadsheet and pick up where each thing got left off, beginning with the ones that are sandwiched and now need to be quilted but for some reason have been set aside. Finish what has been started and move on to greener and brighter pastures.

Yes, I have a quilt spreadsheet with a whole lot of quilts on it (and 2 or 3 more to be added to it). I used to tease my daughter for her spreadsheets and then one day I saw that I was over-doing the quilt planning and needed to get a handle on all these projects. So, after eating the platter of crow, I made a spreadsheet for quilts in progress, where each one was in its journey from fabric to quilt and it really makes life much simpler all around. I may never have all these quilts made but anyone who needs to pick up where I left off would know where to begin on every one. (Not that I think any one would, but they could.)

2011 has had its fair share of challenges and achievements-it's the first year I actually finished quilting 6 quilts, none mine or for me, and made excellent headway on one of my own (which I could finish before the new year if I get with it, there's a nice goal). 2012 has so much promise for being the best year ever-but don't they all from this angle? I say go for it!!

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